Latest Past Events

Member Meeting Change of Venue

Old City Cemetery 603 E Union St, Jacksonville

For out Member meeting this month the camp is holding a memorial service for Lt. Greuber who was killed in the line of service. Service starts at 10am 10/26/2019 at Old City Cemetery. Contact Calvin Hart if you have any questions.


Police Officer Dedication Ceremony

Old City Cemetery 603 E Union St, Jacksonville

Come and join the camp as we rededicate Lt. Geruber's new stone and grave site. Lt. Greuber was killed in the line of duty in 1896 and his plot has been left to the test of time and needed some help. Now that everything is done we are having a Dedication Ceremony and invite all […]

Cemetery Workday

Old City Cemetery 603 E Union St, Jacksonville

Come and Join the Camp in our monthly clean up of Old City Cemetery. One of our oldest traditions as a camp and always a good time to be had. Please bring work gloves and a trash grabber if you have one. We have some good projects coming up and all the help is welcome. […]