What is the H.L. Hunley JROTC Award?
The H. L. Hunley JROTC Award is awarded to cadets of the United States Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps who have demonstrated strong corps values, honor, courage and commitment to their unit during the school year. Typically, the award is given to a rising second year cadet identified by his JROTC instructors and is presented by a member of the local Sons of Confederate Veterans camp.
A History of the H.L. Hunley Award
The award of the Hunley medal is meant to honor or reward cadets who have shown the core values of Honor, Courage and Commitment, as did the ill-fated crew of the Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley. The H. L. Hunley made naval history off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina, on February 17, 1864, when it became the first submarine to sink an opposing vessel in combat. The crew of the submarine was lost in action, and it is the spirit of this selfless sacrifice that the award draws its theme. While the award does have a strong naval theme, it is suitable for award to cadets of other branches due to the fact that the commander of the Hunley, Lt. George E. Dixon, was an Army officer.
How to get an H.L. Hunley Award for a deserving cadet
In July 2014 the Executive Council of the Florida Division Sons of Confederate Veterans approved the establishment of a Kirby-Smith Camp #1209 as ‘Program Coordinator’ for the “H.L. Hunley JROTC Award”. For the school year 2017 over 135 deserving young cadets received the award in the Florida Division. The award program was designed to promote visibility of our Camps in the community as well as having outstanding young JROTC cadets wearing the Sons of Confederate Veterans Medal on their chest for three years. We are encouraging all Florida Camps to send an inquiry letter to their local JROTC units. The letter will state that the cadet should be a rising second year student and will ask that units interested in participating in the program notify by letter, phone, or e-mail the sponsorship Camp prior to March 1st. Most JROTC Awards Ceremonies are not held until the end of April or early May. Units do not have to give the name of the recipient at that time, just state that they desire to be considered for a medal, ribbon, and certificate.
After a camp adopts a JROTC unit they will contact the school and exchange contact information. The camp will forward $38.00 ($30.00 plus $8.00 shipping) sponsorship money, and the State program coordinator will send the camp the award’s package (medal and certificate). Send check made out to
S.C.V. to: Hunley Award
4884 Victoria Chase Ct
Jacksonville, FL 32257
H.L. Hunley Award Application
If you have questions concerning awards, please contact: the Florida JROTC Program Coordinator at: scv1209@flscv.org